Change in the World

Warm Up

In what ways has the world changed in the last 10 years?  List at least five (5) examples.  

You know the world has changed when ____________________.
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Finishing our charts.  What do the 5 Themes teach us about our place on Earth?

Compare and Contrast:  What Similarities Do You See Between Basalt and your other place?  What Differences?  What do these items tell you about each location?  How can we use this information to understand our ever-changing world?

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Class Activity:  Table Reading- Use the Soapstone Chart to Unwrap your article.  Be ready to present to another table.

1.  Read either Article one "The Role of Place in the World" or Article two "How Could a Drought Spark a Civil War?" 
2.  Circle the words you do not in the article
3.  Fill out the Soapstone Chart
4.  Summarize with your group
5.  Share your findings with the other group.

What were you most surprised to learn about in the articles?  I was surprised that ____________________________.

What did your article have to do with the 5 themes of geography?  My article was connected to the 5 themes by  ______________.


  1. It has changed by the cost of food and gas/


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